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- 广东湘恒智能科技有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第2年主体名称:广东湘恒智能科技有限公司组织机构代码:91441304MAC3TWY11U
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- 西门子一级代理商
- 触摸屏
- 变频器
- 伺服电机
- 西门子PLC
- 直流调速器
- 关键词
- 西门子中国总代理商
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- 惠州大亚湾澳头石化大道中480号太东天地花园2栋二单元9层01号房(仅限办公)(注册地址)
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- 18126392341
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TITLE: Siemens Authorized Distributor in Southern China -Siemens (China) Automation and Drives Accredited General Agent
In the rapidly expanding field of industrial automation, Siemensis a leading global manufacturer of advanced technologies andsolutions. Guangdong Xiangheng Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.,operating as Siemens (China) Automation and Drives AccreditedGeneral Agent in the Southern China region, provides comprehensivesupport and services. In this article, we will explore theprospects of the manufacturing industry and delve into thecapabilities of Guangdong Xiangheng Intelligent Technology as theauthorized distributor for Siemens in China.
Keyword: Siemens China General Agent
The Growth Potential of the Manufacturing Industry:
The manufacturing industry is witnessing significant growth dueto technological advancements and innovations. As automation anddigitalization are increasingly adopted in various sectors, thedemand for high-quality industrial automation solutions has surged.With its reputation for cutting-edge technologies and comprehensiveproduct portfolio, Siemens plays a vital role in driving the growthof the manufacturing industry.
Attribute 1: Siemens Touch Panels - Enhancing Human-MachineInteraction:
As a premier Siemens distributor, Guangdong XianghengIntelligent Technology offers Siemens touch panels, which areessential components for human-machine interface (HMI). Touchpanels enable seamless interaction between operators and automatedsystems, allowing for smoother and more efficient productionprocesses. With Siemens touch panels, operators can easily monitorand control various aspects of machinery and industrial processes,enhancing productivity while ensuring safety.
Attribute 2: Siemens Variable Frequency Drives and Servo Motors- Precision and Energy Efficiency:
Variable frequency drives (VFDs) and servo motors are crucial inindustrial automation systems as they provide accurate control ofmotor speed and ensure precise positioning. As an authorizedgeneral agent, Guangdong Xiangheng Intelligent Technology suppliesSiemens VFDs and servo motors. These devices not only improve theaccuracy and reliability of motion control in manufacturingprocesses but also contribute to energy savings and reducedenvironmental impact.
Attribute 3: Siemens PLC and DC Drives - Optimizing IndustrialControl:
Programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and direct current (DC)drives are essential components for industrial control systems,enabling automation and seamless coordination of complex processes.Guangdong Xiangheng Intelligent Technology offers Siemens PLCs andDC drives as an authorized agent, empowering manufacturers withprecise control over their production lines. These advancedsolutions optimize efficiency, reduce downtime, and enhance overalloperational performance.
Professional Knowledge:
1. Importance of industrial automation in improving productivityand reducing costs.
2. Integration of Siemens automation solutions with Industry 4.0principles, enabling the implementation of smart manufacturing.
3. Advantages of Siemens TIA Portal software, facilitatingefficient programming and commissioning of automation systems.
1. What are the benefits of adopting Siemens touch panels inindustrial automation systems?
- Siemens touch panels enable seamless human-machineinteraction, enhancing productivity and ensuring operator safety.They provide easy monitoring and control of machinery andindustrial processes.
2. How do Siemens variable frequency drives and servo motorscontribute to energy efficiency?
- Siemens variable frequency drives and servo motors preciselycontrol motor speed and positioning, improving energy efficiency byreducing unnecessary power consumption and optimizing productionprocesses.
3. How can Siemens PLCs and DC drives optimize industrialcontrol?
- Siemens PLCs and DC drives ensure precise coordination ofcomplex processes, enabling automation and improving overalloperational performance. They enhance efficiency, reduce downtime,and enable seamless integration with other automation systems.
In conclusion, Guangdong Xiangheng Intelligent Technology,operating as the authorized general agent for Siemens in SouthernChina, plays a pivotal role in facilitating the growth of themanufacturing industry. By offering Siemens touch panels, variablefrequency drives, servo motors, PLCs, and DC drives, they providecomprehensive automation solutions that enhance productivity,energy efficiency, and overall operational performance. With theirexpertise and commitment to customer satisfaction, they contributeto the advancement of industrial automation in the region.
成立日期 | 2022年11月17日 | ||
法定代表人 | 林海霞 | ||
注册资本 | 1000 | ||
主营产品 | 西门子变频器,西门子PLC\西门子模块、西门子触摸屏、西门子伺服电机、西门子工控机、西门子集成系统、西门子低压、西门子控制单元、西门子CPU,广东省西门子授权代理商,等 | ||
经营范围 | 一般项目:技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广;机械设备销售;智能机器人的研发;机械电气设备销售;电气设备修理;信息系统集成服务;阀门和旋塞销售;泵及真空设备销售;工业机器人销售;工业机器人安装、维修;仪器仪表销售;配电开关控制设备销售;软件开发;工业自动控制系统装置销售;电子、机械设备维护(不含特种设备);专用设备修理;计算机软硬件及辅助设备批发;工业工程设计服务;机械设备研发;货物进出口;技术进出口;国内贸易代理。(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动) | ||
公司简介 | 广东湘恒智能科技有限公司主要从事工业自动化产品的集成,销售与维修。致力于为您提供在机械、化工、水泥、电力、环保等领域的电气及自动化技术的完整解决方案,包括自动化产品及系统、工程项目执行及管理、主要过程控制领域技术支持,以及专业的售后服务、培训等。公司本着“以人矢志创新、追求卓越”的工作方针,致力于工业自动化控制领域的产品开发、工程配套和系统集成、销售,拥有丰富的自动为本、科技先导、化产品的应用和实 ... |
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