更新:2024-09-01 09:31 编号:24638780 发布IP: 浏览:20次- 发布企业
- 山东鹏畅新能源科技有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第2年主体名称:山东鹏畅新能源科技有限公司组织机构代码:91370102MA3Q3MK697
- 报价
- 请来电询价
- 品牌
- 火炬/迅炬
- 型号
- 48V620Ah
- 产地
- 中国
- 关键词
- 火炬叉车电瓶,48V620Ah,台励福2.5吨叉车电瓶,牵引铅酸蓄电池,4PzS620
- 所在地
- 山东省济南市历下区工业南路
- 联系电话
- 15066660575
- 全国服务热线
- 18801309060
- 销售经理
- 李经理 请说明来自顺企网,优惠更多
The working principle of aforklift starting battery
Forklift batteries are dividedinto two types: electric forklifts and internal combustionforklifts. What we are talking about now is the starting batteryfor internal combustion forklifts. This type of battery, similar toautomotive batteries, is only an auxiliary generator startingmotor, but it is also a
The working principle offorklift accessories that cannot be ignored is that the chargingand discharging process of forklift batteries is the process ofconverting internal electrical and chemical energy into each other.During charging, the positive and negative electrodes are convertedfrom lead sulfate to dioxide
Lead, sponge like lead,converts electrical energy into chemical energy and stores it inthe positive and negative plates; During discharge, the positiveand negative electrodes are converted from lead dioxide and spongelike lead to lead sulfate, converting chemical energy intoelectrical energy and transferring it to the load
Power supply, the abovechemical reaction process is represented by a formula. It can bedivided into water added and maintenance free batteries. Currently,China is in a period of high environmental protection, whichbasically avoids the appearance of maintenance forkliftbatteries
To avoid maintenance of thebattery, it simply means that there is no need to add acid, water,or measure the specific gravity during use. Maintenance free doesnot mean no maintenance, and the quality of maintenance directlydetermines the service life of the battery. Below is the
Analyze the possiblefaults:
Acid leakage: There is obviouselectrolyte leakage or overflow in the early stage of use (within 2years). There are mainly shell leakage and safety valve leakage.Cause: It is possible that the battery casing is leaking (with sandholes or cracks) or
The safety valve is leaking(there is too much acid in the battery, which generates gasinternally during charging, causing the electrolyte to float andcausing the acid to overflow from the safety valve). This situationis generally related to the process design and quality of batterymanufacturers.
Hazard: This not only affectsthe capacity of the battery, but also the acid flowing out oroverflowing causes corrosion to the battery and battery cabinet,and pollutes the surrounding environment.
成立日期 | 2019年06月28日 | ||
法定代表人 | 李慧 | ||
注册资本 | 1000 | ||
主营产品 | 观光车蓄电池,叉车电池,叉车蓄电池,国内外品牌UPS电池,UPS电源 | ||
经营范围 | 新能源的技术开发;计算机软硬件及辅助设备的技术开发、技术转让、技术咨询、销售;计算机系统集成;销售:电源设备、空调设备、机械设备、交通设备、非专控通讯设备、办公设备、蓄电池、变压器、电子产品、配电开关控制设备、电子元器件、家用电器、化工产品(不含危险品)、仪器仪表、医疗器械;信息技术咨询服务;施工劳务分包。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) | ||
公司简介 | 鹏畅新能源主营:观光车蓄电池,叉车电池,叉车蓄电池,国内外品牌UPS电池,UPS电源,专业服务20年,授权专业代理商,提供铅酸电池动力储能应用服务。公司自成立以来,在广大同仁及用户的支持与帮助下,与国内诸多著名电源制造商保持着良好的合作关系,服务领域遍布全国各地。公司“以服务促销售,以质量求发展”为最终理念,从售前电话咨询、现场电力环境勘察、电源产品方案设计;到售后安装调试 ... |
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