3M™ SCOTCHCAST™ 280电气绝缘树脂
2022-08-05 11:43 2次- 发布企业
- 海郑实业上海有限公司商铺
- 认证
- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第13年主体名称:海郑实业上海有限公司
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- 关键词
- 3m280电气树脂
- 所在地
- 上海市松江区洞泾镇莘砖公路3366号1幢
- 手机
- 18017259379
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3M Scotchcast Electrical Resin 280 (A & B)电气绝缘树脂
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3M™ Scotchcast™ Electrical Resin 280 is characterized by a hightemperature rating, outstanding physical and electrical stabilityand superior resistance to moisture. The Scotchcast Resin 280system remains flexible even after prolonged heat aging, while itslow viscosity and fine wetting properties allow completeimpregnation of fine wires in coils.
SCOTCHCAST 树脂 280非常适合于浸渍,灌封和封装需要优越的电性能,抗湿气和抗热震性的应用。这些包括浸渍,线圈,变压器,应变敏感的电路,模块和其它电气和电子元件的封装。SCOTCHCAST树脂280在65°C(150°F)可固化,在应用程序组件需要低温固化时仍然表现出优良的电气性能。
Scotchcast Resin 280 is well suited to impregnating, potting andencapsulating applications that require superior electricalperformance, maximum resistance to moisture and thermal shockresistance. These include impregnation and encapsulation of coils,transformers, strain-sensitive circuitry, modules and otherelectrical and electronic components. Scotchcast Resin 280 can becured at 65°C (150°F) and still exhibit excellent electricalproperties in applications where components require low temperaturecures.
High temperature rated (155°C)
Thermal shock resistant
Physically and electrically stable
- 3M 电气绝缘树脂环氧粉末产品3m电气绝缘树脂环氧粉末产品一览海郑实业(上海)有限公司是中国一家专业服务于电... 2010-01-01