HAWKER霍克蓄电池AX12-180 免维护 12V180AH摩托车起动电源
蓄电池不是用坏的而是充坏的 ” ,这一说法绝非危言耸听,蓄电池充电性能好坏对蓄电池的使用寿命和使用性能起着举足轻重的作用,必须重视。
1 、蓄电池对充电工艺的要求
The battery separator is made of materials such as microporousrubber and fiberglass, and its main function is to:
Prevent short circuits between positive and negative electrodeplates; Smooth the passage of positive and negative ions in theelectrolyte. Resist the detachment of active substances from thepositive and negative electrode plates to prevent damage caused byvibration.