The generation of a large amount of gas has a flushing effect onthe active material of the electrode plate, making it easy for theactive material to soften and fall off At higher polarizationvoltages, the grid of the positive electrode plate will undergosevere corrosion, generating Pb02. This corrosive substance iscompletely different from the Pb02 stored in electrochemistry, andis an irreversible oxide with poor conductivity, causingdeformation, brittleness, loss of skeleton and conductivity of thegrid. Therefore, overcharging should be prevented as much aspossible during charging.
Long term insufficient charging can result in irreversible highpositive PbS04 grains (i.e. irreversible sulfation) from unreactedactive substances, leading to a decrease in battery capacity,increased internal resistance, increased charging difficulty, andearly damage to the battery. Therefore, batteries should be fullycharged as much as possible to prevent irreversible sulfation